Thursday, July 10, 2008

Firecracker 50

I'm not going to give you the play by play style race report that often shows up on blogs (i.e. I got up at 7:37am with a resting heart rate of 67; went to the bathroom and my pee was yellowish; had a bagle with 4 ounces of peanut butter; filled my tires with 37.5 PSI, etc.). There are a few things to take away from the Firecracker: it's awesome; I'm glad I did it; it was hard. As far as I can tell about 800 people started and about 400 finished. I came in dead last, but I don't feel too bad about that. I finished about 25 minutes behind the last group but there was still the guy with the cowbell at the top of Sallie Barber (you made me cry happy tears man), the volunteers at aid stations were immensley supportive, and the moto-support guys deserve medals for staying out that late and seeing me safely in. I wish I knew who those guys are so that I could buy them beers. Everyone was so cool and supportive. It restored my faith in human kind. I also know now that I can spend 8 hours in the saddle. Next year will involve much more speed work over endurance work (still need both though). I raced my race, ate my Clif blocks, choked down my gatoraide, and stayed upright on the gnarley downhills. No pics, but if you go to you can get a feel for the race. The parade start was super fun. If you ever get the urge to get into something really hard that has a huge payoff, by all means, do the Firecracker.

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