Friday, August 14, 2009

26 Hours To Go

It's coming. I wasn't nervous until I went to pick up my packet. I'm exhausted and hope that means a great night of sleep is in store.

Someone asked today if it's too late to make a donation. Nope. You can donate to ERDF before, during, or after the race. will ask you for a total donation amount, not the number of laps or amount per lap. Your donation amount per lap is up to you and is a very loose, informal thing.

I'm shooting for 5 laps. If all goes really well then I hope for 6. If I'm on fire then I'm hoping for 7.

Had a wonderful day with the Copes sharing pastry, paddling Blue Mesa, swimming, and sitting by the fire. Thank you, thank you for a relaxing, supportive day to calm my nerves.

Goodnight moon, goodnight stars, goodnight piles of gear and bins of food.

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