No Idaho visit would be complete without a cabinent of ammo and an AR-15. While the AR-15 was pretty impressive, I much preferred the cowboy action Colt .45, shooting clay pidgoens with an over-under, and a really fun .25 Auto Pistola.
You think that I have a thing for mountain biking and Nordic skiing? When I was a kid I was obsessed with horses. I begged my mom and dad for one. I would spend nights awake, concentrating all my energy on willing a horse into my life. Somewhere along the way I moved on to other obsessions: girls, punk rock, caring about my GPA, and a career. Bulls Eye the horse re-introduced me to the 11 year old Dave. Smiling, connected, living completely in the moment. This was no nose-to-butt guest ranch ride on "safe" overly broken horses. This was a full on into-the-sunset, across the range ride on an extremely capable horse. Every time I slowed down to a walk or gallop to try to regain my composure he would snort and throw his head. This horse wanted to go. Bulls Eye and I came to a power-sharing agreement - I suggested some direction and kept a stern grasp on the reigns, and he got his yayas out and was twitchy without being scary. I smiled so much my face hurt.
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