My stuff is in storage in Denver. I got out of the rest of the lease on my apartment in P-towne. I spent the holidays on the Front Range and ended up in Crested Butte for a while.
I busted back to P-towne when I learned of a renter who wanted to sublet my place. I hated letting go of that apartment. It was beautiful and I wish that I could take a cosmic backhoe to scoop it up and take it wherever I go...but not paying rent has a positive effect on my new unemployment budget. I loaded up a U-haul and drove it over the passes, dragging the leading edge of a big storm with me. It's not fun driving a truck in weather like that. I have a new understanding and empathy for truck drivers. I rode Amtrak back to Junc-town to pick up my car. That was an adventure. Trains in the US don't run with Swiss-like precision. I think you could find a more reliable train schedule in the third world. 15 hours is a bit unreasonable for Denver to Grand Junction, but it was a beautiful ride and I don't get too worked up over matters of time lately. Going over the divide by train is something I've always wanted to do.
Then off to the Lost Wonder Hut on Monarch pass with the Rices and Ruth. Sweet, sweet times everyone! I like hut trips. I like my friends. Put them together and it's all good. The snow was a little thin. Temperatures were frigid inside and outside the hut. The wind was howling. Who cares. It was pure awesomeness to share some turns, snack on Christmas cookie leftovers, and stare up at Orion's Belt.
Kate and I snowshoed up to Lost Lake. It was a sweet day. Warm and sunny with promise and beginnings.
Off to BV to celebrate MLK. Hiking on the Midland Trail (it was warm enough to ride but the bikes are in storage and my mind is on skiing) and soaking at Mount Princeton. Best commercial hotsprings around because you get to sit in natural pools in the river. That is a sublime experience.
Back to CB to get some good quality time with Jake, Courtney, and John. Gracious hosts. Life here is good. More than good. About as good as it gets. I spend my days chilling, perfecting my kick-waxing skills, exploring the Nordic trail system and waiting for a big storm.
What's next? Who knows. Lots of resume staring. Back to the Front Side for a while. Guatemala? Tree/forward fold/plank/up-dog/down-dog - repeat. Propel self uphill/face down hill/slide over and through snow - repeat. Contemplation. Setting of Intention. Exploration of relationship. Discovery of self. Rest. Try to compose more coherent blog entries. I think I have everything I need for the moment.
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